Are You a Candidate for Dental Bridges?

If you have missing teeth, dental bridges can be an effective solution to restore your smile and improve your oral health. Dental bridges are prosthetic devices that bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. But how do you know if you’re a suitable candidate for dental bridges?

Are You a Candidate for Dental Bridges?

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are custom-made prosthetic teeth that anchor on adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. They consist of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, which fill the gap left by missing teeth. They also have dental crowns that your dentist places on the adjacent teeth or implants for support.

Candidacy for Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are not great for everyone. Therefore, there are certain criteria that you need to meet. 

Missing Teeth

The main requirement for dental bridges is having one or more missing teeth. Dental bridges are suitable for those who have lost teeth due to decay, injury, or other reasons. Bridges can effectively replace missing teeth. They can restore the aesthetics and functionality of your smile.

Healthy Adjacent Teeth

Dental bridges rely on the support of adjacent teeth or dental implants. Therefore, it is vital to have healthy teeth on either side of the gap to anchor the bridge. Your dentist will prepare these teeth to receive dental crowns. The crowns act as the support structure for the bridge.

Good Oral Health

Candidates for dental bridges must have good overall oral health. This means having healthy gums with no gum disease. You also must have minimal tooth decay. If you have underlying oral health issues, your dentist will address those concerns before proceeding with bridge placement.

Sufficient Bone Density

For successful dental bridge placement, sufficient bone density in the jaw is necessary. The bone should be strong enough to support the dental implants. That is important if they anchor to the bridge. In cases where bone density is insufficient, your dentist may recommend bone grafting procedures. This process will also enhance the foundation for the bridge.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

There are several benefits of having dental bridges. 

Restored Function

Dental bridges allow you to regain the ability to chew and speak properly. Missing teeth can compromise this ability. As a result, bridges ensure you can enjoy your favorite foods and speak confidently once again.

Improved Aesthetics

Missing teeth can impact the aesthetics of your smile and facial appearance. Dental bridges match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth. This also helps to provide a seamless and natural-looking result. With bridges, you can achieve a complete and beautiful smile.

Maintaining Tooth Alignment

When you lose a tooth, adjacent teeth can start to shift into the empty space, causing misalignment. Dental bridges prevent this shifting by filling the gap and maintaining the proper alignment of your teeth. This also helps preserve your bite and prevent future dental issues.

Dental bridges do have significant benefits. However,  it is important to consult with your dentist to evaluate your situation and determine if dental bridges are the right option. With dental bridges, you can reclaim your smile and enjoy the confidence of a complete set of teeth.