Does your mouth feel arid and sticky? You might have a condition called dry mouth, in which your mouth experiences a decline in saliva production. Not only does this sensation feel uncomfortable, but it could heighten your risk of oral health problems.
You can keep your teeth and gums healthy by ensuring your mouth stays as moist as it should be. Read on to find three tips for preventing and resolving dry mouth symptoms.
Drink Plenty of Water
A common cause of dry mouth is dehydration. If you do not drink enough water, your salivary glands may reduce their saliva production and cause dry mouth.
Drinking water will help you maintain adequate hydration levels so that your mouth can remain moist and healthy. If you have dry mouth, the natural bacteria in your mouth can spread with ease across your teeth, raising your risk of contracting an oral infection.
The bacteria can reach your gum tissue and give you periodontal disease. Along with inflamed and bleeding gums, advanced gum disease can deteriorate your tooth root and cause tooth loss.
Prevent these dental concerns by drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Dentists and medical experts agree that you should drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day to stay hydrated. If you drink coffee or consume other items that may dehydrate you, compensate by drinking more water.
Stimulate Saliva Production
If you notice your mouth feeling dry, you can take measures to encourage your salivary glands to produce more saliva. You can stimulate this action through chewing. A healthy way to accomplish this is to chew sugar-free gum.
This type of gum contains no sugar, a substance that can heighten your risk of getting cavities and other dental problems. This occurs because sugar becomes acidic in your mouth thanks to the bacteria there.
The acidity will erode the enamel of your tooth, leaving your smile vulnerable. Therefore, you can fight dry mouth without otherwise compromising your dental health by choosing sugar-free gum.
Address Dry Environmental Factors
When you have dry mouth symptoms, pay attention to your surroundings. If you notice a pattern in your environment correlating with the dry feeling in your mouth, make some changes to your space.
For instance, dry air in a room can make your mouth dry too, especially if you spend a great deal of time in the area, like when you sleep. If this is the case, you can obtain a humidifier that will add moisture to the air. This way, your mouth will be less likely to dry out and leave you in discomfort.
Sleeping with your mouth open can also lead to dry mouth. If you notice this habit, ask your dentist for advice to stop this behavior and preserve your oral health. They may recommend wearing a nightguard as you sleep to align your bite in a way that keeps your mouth shut.